12 Reasons To Love The Beach in Queensland [UPDATED 2024]

Why people love spending time in the sand, sea and sun


12 Reasons to love the beach in Queensland


Hello! Do you love the beach? Well hopefully you’ll love this post! Below is how it is structured.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Reasons To Love The Beach
3. Feeling the Sand Between Your Toes
4. The Salty Air
5. The Roar of the Ocean
6. The Sky
7. Vitamin D
8. Beach Walks
9. Swimming and Surfing
10. Sunrise
11. Marine Wildlife and Animals
12. Photo Opportunities
13. Collecting Seashells
14. Eating

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Read Time: 5 Minutes



A 2019 study by the University of Exeter concluded that people who live near the coast are generally happier than those who don’t.

The study surveyed over 25,000 people from various economic backgrounds about their beach lifestyle.

It found those who live less than half a mile from the beach are up to 40% less likely to show signs of mental health disorders than those who lived 50km from the coast.

The specific factors as to why this was the case was not definitively conveyed in the study. However I believe there are a number of reasons to love the beach.

And in my mind these reasons, which have been outlined below, significantly contribute.


Reasons To Love The Beach

Do you love the beach? Here are 12 reasons why you should!


1. Feeling the Sand Between Your Toes

If you love the beach, there are few feelings as reassuring as the sensation of sand between your toes. It is very grounding to reconnect with nature this way.

Whether it be warm sand, cool sand, dry sand or wet sand, every step you take on the beach feels like a massage for both your feet and your soul.


Which of these best reasons to love the beach do you most resonate with?


2. The Salty Air

Generally beaches possess a salty smell that is very distinctive. Its actually quite difficult to put this smell into words, except to call it that ‘beachy smell’.

But then most people would instantly recognise it.

Just like the aroma of your most favourite home cooked meal, the smell of the beach is an instant mood lifter.

According to The Lung Institute it also has some health benefits too. They posit that breathing ocean air has been found to produce thinner mucus, an improved lung function, reduced coughing and also decreased sinus pressure amongst sufferers of certain lung diseases. If that is not a reason to love the beach then I don’t know what is!


3. The Roar of the Ocean

We all have that one song that instantly takes us to our happy place. Likewise the sound of the waves breaking on the shore can do the same for us too.

Whether it be gentle waves lapping on the sand, or monster surf tumultuously crashing on the shore, the rhythmic sounds of the ocean are very calming and relaxing.

So much so that some people even play recordings of it to help them fall asleep at night.

During the day when you are laying on the beach, or even at night when you are sitting by the ocean, the aquatic hum is an instant de-stressor. If you love the beach, make sure you take the time to listen to the ocean next time you are there.


4. The Sky

Ever notice how the sky just seems so much bigger at the beach than it does in urban areas?

Maybe it is just as a consequence of there not being any structures or buildings around to impact your view. Or that the reflecting light from the horizon seems to create in it a larger dimension.

But whatever the reason, many people feel they can finally ‘breathe’ when they stare out at a sky viewed over an endless expanse of ocean. It is this sense of freedom which makes many people love the beach.


5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very good for our health.

So sitting out in the sunshine whilst on the beach has some proven health and wellness benefits.

This includes strengthening your immune system, reducing stress, weight loss, improving bone health, ensuring better sleep and fighting off depression.

If you love the beach, aim to get between 10-30 minutes of sunlight several times per week. Just be sure to be sun smart by using sunscreen, wearing a hat and drinking plenty of water.


Girl Surfing in Queensland, Australia


6. Beach Walks

Walking is very good for you. And what better place to walk on than the beach?

Not only does it provide a beautiful landscape in which to stroll on the act of walking on the beach has been proven to use more energy than on hard surfaces.

If you love the beach you often end up walking longer too, as often you are intoxicated by the beauty of your surroundings.


7. Swimming and Surfing

A major drawcard for those who love the beach is that you can swim or surf in the ocean.

Great exercise and great fun, this offers a fantastic way to exercise, unwind and blow off some steam.

The feeling of the water on your skin is very refreshing. You can almost feel it washing your stresses away.


8. Sunrise

Viewing the sunrise at the beach is a magical experience.

The colours of the visual spectacle you encounter can titillate your soul. Some of them you will even struggle to accurately describe.

Watching a sunrise or sunset has been proven to relieve stress and heighten your mood.

It also helps you appreciate something millions of other people take for granted.


9. Marine Wildlife and Animals

The beach is an animal lovers paradise.

On some beaches around the world you get to see some amazing marine wildlife. These include dolphins, stingrays, manatees, sea turtles, tropical fish.

You also get to see a wide range of ocean birds including albatross, northern gannet, puffin, terns and seagulls.

In other countries you even might encounter elephants, alligators, kangaroos and even lions!

If animals are your thing and you love the beach, the sand provides you with plenty of viewing opportunities.


Prepare yourself for the perfect beach day in Queensland


10. Photo Opportunities

The beach provides you with some awesome photo opportunities.

Whether it be the coastal landscape of a beach and the ocean. A beautiful sunrise or sunset. The majesty of marine wildlife or even just an image that captures a brief moment in time, a visit to the beach provides plenty of chances to take amazing snaps.

For these reasons, for both the professional or the amateur photographer, the beach is a happy hunting ground.


11. Collecting Seashells

An awesome thing to do, and another reason to love the beach is collecting seashells.

There are so many beautiful shells and stones of all colours on the beach. It is quite addictive, and you can spend hours sorting through them.

If you find some good ones you most often than not can take them with you to decorate your home – just check for signs prohibiting this though.

As a general rule when collecting seashells head to the point where the shore stops. You’ll find some good ones just recently washed up here.


12. Eating

The beach is a fantastic place to eat.

Whether it be food you have brought or are making yourself, or a takeaway option from a nearby restaurant, having breakfast, lunch or dinner at the beach is a very convivial thing to do.

If you love the beach, it is also a great way to hang out with friends or family and is a lovely date night option too.

25 Brilliant Things To Do At The Beach (Other Than Sunbathe)
Beach Walk: 10 Awesome Health Benefits (UPDATED 2024)


Welcome to Beach Scenes


Hi! My name is Spencer and I have created Beach Scenes to help you find the perfect travel destination for your beach holiday in Queensland.

I hope the reviews and recommendations on my site inspire you to book an Australia Queensland vacation!

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